In Utah it is not mandatory to have a home inspection before buying. I think it is absolutely insane. So, why would you get a home inspection in the first place, what do they inspect and how much do they cost? These are all questions that I get on a daily basis.
A home inspection will not only give you peace of mind but it will also tell you if there are any major problems with the home. I take back the peace of mind for now… Actually if you pick a good home inspector they will scare the holy S*** out of you. That being said I always tell my client to keep an open mind. That we are really looking for big ticket items. Every house has little things that need to be fixed. Just think of where you live now.
So, what do home inspectors inspect? That’s a great question. While, every home inspection company is different they all have a “so and so” point inspection. One of the companies that we often use Pillar to Post boasts a 1600 point visual inspections. The home inspector will inspect from the ground up. This includes but is not limited to plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, and appliance systems, as well as observation of structural components: roof, foundation, basement, exterior and interior walls, chimney, doors, and windows. It takes most inspectors roughly 2-3 hours for the inspection.
Then the inspectors takes an additional half to full hour to explain to the potential new buyer any item that need to be repaired and any safety issues that should be addressed. As I said before I always tell my clients to look for the big stuff that stuff that will drain your bank account like the furnace, water heater, foundation, electrical, and roof. Every house at one point or another will have a little leak under the sick or an electrical outlet that needs to be replaced. These are nickel and dime items.
A home inspection generally costs $250-$500 without adding any additional services. The service is normally based on the square footage and age of the home. Occasionally if the home is located outside of the service area they will charge an additional location fee. The company will also ask if you would like any additional services like mold, meth, radon, or infrared inspection. Additional test will add to the bill fast, most of the additional test will run you $90-$150.
Picking the right home inspector can be challenging; we as agent find a few that do an exceptional job and put them on our preferred vender list. In Utah home inspectors are not required to have any certification or licenses, less of a business license. So, as the home buyer you should ask the question
Do you have any Certification to be a home inspector?
How long have you been in this business?
Do you have any background in construction or home building?
Are you going to be inspecting the house or does someone you employ do the inspection? Are your employees certified?
What is included in the inspection?
Do you give me a report on the spot? Does it have pictures?
Will you physically show me where the problems are?
Will you show me where the water and gas shut off valves are, and anything else that I should know?
What kind utilities would you like me to make sure are on before you come?
What sets you apart from the competitors?
If comes down to not wanting to fork over the dough. Do your homework before going forward with purchasing. Have a friend or family member do a visual inspection.

Here is a good list of items that will make it a lot easier to have peace of mind.
Thanks a bunch and if I forgot anything please let me know.
Kitty | 801-550-4640 |
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